Why are you slacking?

WHY ARE YOU SLACKING? WHY AREN'T YOU MOVING FORWARD? I know I usually wait until the end of the post to ask my thoughtful question. Today, I wanted to put it as my opening statement. Summer is here and I realize that I easily fall into a "lazy" routine. When my boys are in school, my other name is drill sergeant. The rigid routine we have to follow leaves very little room for error. Over Summer - that rigid schedule cheerfully goes out the window. I was recently sitting on my couch wondering, why I was being so LAZY. I'd spent numerous hours watching tv...mindless tv that had nothing to offer except a bellowing, out loud type of laugh. As the day came to a close I was mad that I didn't exercise, clean, grocery shop, made a few calls or accomplished anything on my "to-do list". I know we've all experienced days like this. Occasionally , they are okay. But if we continue in that rut - it will soon become our habit and a l...