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Self care starts with taking time for yourself.
This is the perfect place to be still, have faith, breathe, and laugh.
It's Fun Friday and I'm sharing some great workout tips. Fortunately I've never struggled with working out (it's the good eating that always throws me for a loop). I've always enjoyed going to the gym. So you can imagine when I moved to my rural community I was stressed with the fact that there wasn't a gym nearby. Needless to say, I had to get creative on staying fit. My business travel schedule, community and church obligations didn't make finding time to work out any easier. I realized that my creative juices would have to flow on a alternative way to stay fit. Here are some of my fun, no gym needed workouts: Walk/run intervals through the neighborhood Cardiovascular exercise is the foundation of most of my work- outs. The light posts in my neighborhood provide a great way to walk & run in equal distance from the back to the front of the subdivision. I will normally walk, jog, or sprint in intervals between each light post...
This is a guest post by Jackie Chapman. Olivia & Jackie Take Courage ! These are two words, my daughter (Olivia), had engraved on her class ring. Last Saturday, our family had the pleasure of seeing Olivia graduate from high school. Days leading up to graduation I had flashbacks of the past 18 years. I admit I had them while trying to hold back tears. I remember the first time I held her. Her first tooth, her first steps, her first day of Kindergarten, her first recital and now I will remember the first time I saw her in her cap and gown. This time I was not able to hold back the tears (tears of joy and extreme pride). I thanked God for the blessing she's been to our family. The day after Olivia's graduation, I was also delivering my first sermon. In the midst of being a wife, mother of three teenagers and having a full time career, I heard the voice of God call me to spread the good news. When I spoke to my Pastor about accepting my call, he suggested I deliver my first me...
I walked into my house and a portion of my floor was covered with little, black ants. I instantly knew the kids had dropped some sticky substance on the tile floor. That mess attracted what looked like an entire nest of these little, pesky insects. They were all moving around in unison enjoying what was probably going to be their lunch or dinner. Ironically on Sunday, a dear friend gave me a wonderful scripture about the lesson we can learn from ants. Really, I thought, how can I possibly learn anything from something that annoys me so much. I guess you know where I'm going with this. There is a lesson to learn from ants about efficiency and productivity. The ants didn't waste any time moving into action to retrieve whatever mess my boys left on the floor. Not only that, they called all of their "ant" friends to help them in this insurmountable task. Are you a slacker? Do you like to procrastinate? Do you constantly have the a...