Every Scar Has A Story

I hate when I get hurt. It is always so painful and the process to healing seems longer than it should. I'm not talking about a paper cut type of pain. I'm referring to deep pain that leads to an ugly wound or scar. If you ever endured any type of pain from a fall, climbing, burn, etc., you know the scars that remain are icky. They go through many stages - blood, scab, puss, and oozing. When you hurt yourself, the place that once was free from pain now makes a public announcement to the world that you hurt yourself. I truly hate if this happens to a visible part of my body. I will always have to explain to others the reason why I have that scar. Every scar has a story. It speaks to a hurt that has physically left but the remnants of the past are still there. I remember having to receive surgery on my hand to remove a cyst. I drove a far distance just to be with a specialist who was known for not leaving scars after surgery. ...