Most Wanted - My Kid's Attention

MOST WANTED - MY KID'S ATTENTION If you have in any way raised kids, then you know exactly what I mean by the above statement. That cute little bundle of joy that counts on you for everything, doesn't want you to leave him at daycare and stares at you with wild eyed amazement soon sees you as a money and feeding machine. The number one question in my house is, "Mom what are we going to eat" followed by "Mom I need a new pair of something." The tables have turned as the boys get older. You see them physically drawing away from you, thinking that friends, girls, food and video games are more fun than being with parents. In no way do I doubt the LOVE my boys have for me (looking forward to Mother's day). The love is just expressed differently these days. I stayed home for seven years as the boys were growing up and spent so much time at play dates and museums. This day and age there is so much more to capture their attention . You see kid...