My Worst Nightmare Came True

What happens when your worst nightmare comes true! One of my worst nightmares came true - the air conditioner being broke in August. Do you realize how hot it is in August? I'm pretty sure this is every Floridians nightmare. It's amazing how fast your house can heat up when you don't have on the AC. The temperature in our home reached 90 degrees. Your body is drained and you can't move because you are so lethargic from the heat. The worst part, I made five service calls about the same problem. I ended up not having air for almost six days. heard me, six days. As they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. My AC is back on and now I thank God everyday for something that I so easily took for granted. Once fixed, the house took 4 hours to return to a normal temperature of 77 degrees. During the process of having my AC fixed a pipe in my ceiling burst (who knew water pipes were in your ceiling). This lef...