I've Been Naughty!!

2015 Christmas Photo Mt. Dora, FL Photo Credits: Delana Brooks It's been quite some time since I posted. I looked back and realized that I last posted in November. I'm so thankful that our blog is a joint effort and my sister held it down for the past few months. My world is a little chaotic with two kids in sports, finishing up studies for a industry designation all while being a mom, wife, chef, church & community volunteer. Whew! I'm tired just thinking of it. This was supposed to be a post at Christmas but I never found the time to post it. I still feel inclined to share it so here we go..... During the holidays, my 7 year old son asked, "Mom, have I been naughty?" My initial thought was, "of course you have" but I didn't want to crush him. I figured he was asking because it was the holidays and a common question is, "have you been naughty or nice?" In the American tradition, Santa Clause knows if you've bee...