"Why can't they see in me what I see in myself?" "Why can't I get that loan to start my business?" "How could they tell me no"? "Why didn't I get into that university"? "Will I ever get married?" "I've worked all my life for this, only to hear NO...UGH" Have you ever had moments with these type of questions? You applied, asked for, competed, studied and the final answer was REJECTION ! You believe you possessed the ability to achieve your goal, but someone comes along and tells you NO . It can start you down a journey of losing confidence in yourself. You think, "maybe I'm not that good" simply because you were rejected. Rejection is a natural part of life. We don't always receive what we dream or prepare for. But that doesn't mean that denial is the end of the story. Sometimes we have to put in a bit more work, try again or patiently find another path. ...