How do you FIT it all in?

I am often asked this question - How do you "fit "it all in? How do you get it all done? Life is really one big juggling act - and just for the record, I don't get it all done. You might feel like me, as soon as you resolve one conflict another life "curveball" is right around the corner. Life can be intense - between traveling (last month I was in New York, Philadelphia, Dallas and Tampa), cooking, writing, working, exercising, raising kids, and keeping up with my own "extracurricular" activities - life can be overwhelming. Do you feel the same way? I am in that season of life where most of my time is spent in a car shuffling the boys to school, baseball or driving to the grocery store. I treasure every moment as the days are passing so quickly. My morning meditation often times happens while driving. How do I attempt to "fit" it all in: I start with sacred mornings; my time ALONE thinking, praying, and meditating sets the t...