Just BREATHE - it's almost Christmas

It's almost December, how did that happen? Is the Earth rotating quicker? Are their less than 24 hours in a day? The Fall season is quickly coming to an end and the winter months are ahead. Almost time to say bye to changing leaves! I look to the world around me for inspiration and lately I've been mezmorized by the book, BREATHE by Priscilla Shirer. What I crave most about this book is learning how to rest. Our calendars, closet, and work spaces can become overcrowded. This leads to depletion emotionally and physically. Think about the many things you are holding onto when you should release them. I participated in my first garage sale and I spent weeks searching through "stuff" in my home I felt could be sold. How do we arrive at having so much "stuff"? I challenge you to sit in your car, open your garage and just look. What would you see? How about opening your closet (some of us have more than one). What do you see? Some of us ju...