I Love Raising a Teenager!

Parenting is probably one of the biggest challenges in my life. There are days that I win as a parent and days that I fail big time. Every day it's a different twist and turn. I have a teenage daughter and an 8 year old son. They have different personalities, likes and dislikes. Most days they don't agree but on the days that they do, it's a wonderful blessing to see them together. My kids when they were younger! Photo credit: Delana Brooks When I share with some people that I'm absolutely loving the teenage years, most look at me like I'm crazy. Especially raising a teenage girl that's full of emotion and attitude. It's not easy BUT I'm just resolved to enjoy every phase and stage of my children's lives . Those were words of wisdom given to me by a colleague years ago and I've never forgotten it. Before I know it, she will be an adult and living on her own. If I CHOOSE not to enjoy these years, I WILL MISS OUT ! I recogni...