20 Years & Counting

Last month, Alton and I celebrated 20 years of marriage! It was an exciting time in our house. We pulled out our wedding album and the kids couldn’t believe how young we looked when we got married (we were also both a lot smaller). Wedding Day In 1997 we both walked down the aisle having no clue what the future held. Neither one of us fully understood two simple yet complex words, “I do”. I’m happy to say that I’m still madly in love with him. I don’t just tolerate him. We’re not just roommates staying together to raise kids. We are FRIENDS! We make each other smile and laugh at our corny “inside” jokes. Now, with that being said, we’re not a perfect couple by any means. Does he get on my nerves? Yes! Does he make me want to scream at times? Yes! Do I get on his nerves? No! Just kidding. Of course I do. Despite those facts, he’s the one for me and I’m thankful to God...