Almost Dad Day - Who cares?

In his footsteps! There is so much love during Mother's day. Everyone knows that most kitchens are closed that day because mom is taking a much needed break. I remind my kids constantly about the MOMENTOUS occasion called, "Mother's Day". I tell them not to ask me ANY questions that day, especially this question: Mom - What are we eating for dinner? I find a way to solve and answer that question most nights. But on Mother's day, I want someone else in the house to figure out what's for dinner. Now the tables are turned as we march towards Father's day. I wonder at times, does anyone care ? The stores are a bit slower. Restaurants and churches aren't as noticeably busy, as we find it on Mom day. WHY are dads overlooked? That might appear as a loaded question. Well, I CARE that Father's day is on Sunday. I am pleased to celebrate the many men that are in my life and are respectfully phenomenal fathers. It truly takes a village to r...