I need MENTAL clarity and so do YOU!

Because of surgery I recently endured a forced hiatus, a pause in my life that showed me I need to embrace mental clarity. Do you ever try and fall asleep yet your mind is still racing? Are you sitting in a meeting or church thinking about a thousand other things rather than focusing on the presenter? Are you mid sentence and completely forget your thought? Have you ever forgotten what your kids said even though they only said it 10 minutes ago? Then my friend, you too need mental clarity. Thoughts are natural, there is NO escaping them. But there are times when they overwhelm and start to control us in a negative and NOT positive way. If I don’t carve space for mental clarity, I find myself complaining and competing in ways that are NOT healthy. One of the best pieces of advice I can offer myself is to build in more pause moments in my life. Life for me moves rapidly. In the past six weeks I’ve traveled to Dallas twice, New Jersey and Toron...