Stop Praying

I absolutely love prayer. I enjoy praying for myself & especially interceding on behalf of others. The opportunity to go before our sovereign God with requests and petitions is an honor! It's also the bedrock of my faith. Jesus' death gives us the availability to pray directly to Him. We no longer need someone to pray for us. We can pray for ourselves! Psalms 4:3 reminds us of this fact: Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him. I'm sure you're asking yourself, why then would she title this post, "Stop Praying?" For years I've prayed in a way to direct, control and manipulate God . Not only would I tell God what I needed, I would also tell Him how it needed to work out in my favor. As if that wasn't enough, I would also give a timeframe in which to make it all happen. What in the world was I thinking? God isn't a vending machine! He's sovereign . He knows ...