Prayers that Work!

We often pray for physical healing either for ourselves or someone we know. We all know someone that stands in need of physical healing. Whether its cancer, mental illness, dementia, lupus or diabetes, the list of areas where individuals need healing is overwhelming. The list of physical illnesses seem endless. We pray on behalf of our sick loved ones because being ill is difficult and takes its toll on everyone around. Praying for physical healing is powerful and a necessity but what about praying for your soul ? Have you prayed for your soul lately? Have you asked someone to pray for your soul? If you’re physically sick, I’m sure you ask them to pray for your healing, so why aren’t we just as quick to ask them to pray for your UNHEALED SOUL ? Your soul is the part of you that encompasses your mind, will and emotions. The soul is typically an area we refuse to address. It’s that part of you that can lash out in bitterness, anger and rage almost on a dail...