Out Of Prison

I am out of prison! Normalcy is returning in the U.S. COVID restrictions have lifted. For me that meant taking vacation with my girlfriends. We normally travel annually to meet up. Unfortunately, we hadn't taken a trip since 2017. Although we did the Zoom thing in 2020, we missed the physical interaction of being face to face. The girls trip this year felt different. In fact, it was extra special. The excitement before the trip was exhilarating. No one was really focusing on work, we wanted to start vacation early (wouldn't you?). The thought of no plans, no housework, no cooking (unless we wanted) and no children asking, "What's for dinner?" We love our families but the opportunity to have solitude with friends is priceless. There was so much to celebrate . Since 2017, four of the seven kids in our village graduated from high school and started college. We celebrated one sister being healed from cancer. We celebrated the completion of a 25 year ...