I Hate Valentine's Day

I hate Valentine's Day.  I know these are strong words coming from someone who is called to be "inspirational" but I must tell the truth.  I think more than the holiday itself, I hate the commercialization of it.  Being in retail, I experience people scrambling (always at the last minute) to buy the perfect and affordable gift that says, I love you.

How can you sum up love in just one gift?  

How can the actions of your love really be summarized in a last minute stop to the local grocery/drug store to buy flowers and candy?  Most people don't put much thought into one of the greatest words we should ALWAYS hear-LOVE!  The love and care felt that day is (in most cases) contained only to February 14th.

Now for my positive side:  God is the greatest example of love.  The only reason we are capable of love is because He first loved us (I John 4:19).  His love was sent to us through His son Jesus.  I don't think this is what most people think about on the most romantic day of the year.  Even if you do not have a date or Cupid hasn't sent his arrow your way, love where you are.  Not just on today but all throughout the year. Have a sensitive spirit to the needs of others.  Listen and pray for those around you.  If your heart is open you will see hurting people everywhere.

I saw this photo on Facebook.  Although it talks about running I also see it as a motto for LOVE.  Love might not always have the perfect conditions.  Every relationship will have to endure ups and downs.  But true love is patient and kind and doesn't come with a laundry list of conditions.

Love never keeps a record of wrong.  It believes the best in people.  Love never gives up and is always hopeful.  It endures through every situation.

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love. ~I Corinthians 13:13

Aside from how I feel, I wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day. (Posted by Roslyn)

Side note:  I am happy to be a Pink Mama.  I am guest blogging this month for my dear friend Sandy Hall.  Here is the link to the post.  


  1. Great post!! You're so right God loves us infinitely!!!

    Ephesians 3:16-19, "And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge."

    I so dig that about Him!! Keep up the good work ladies!!! To God be all the Glory!!

  2. Dawn, we just love the fact that you support our ministry so much. Thanks for sharing Ephesians 3:16-19.


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