Natural Beauty-Mountain Posts (#1)

Natural Beauty
When you find yourself on vacation in the mountains, the majority of your time can be spent outdoors enjoying nature.  Whether it's hiking, swimming, or sight seeing, there's really not a need to get "dolled" up to greet the day.  With some days reaching over 90 degrees, sweat can wash away the best of hairstyles and make up.  So why even brush it on or style your hair?

This aspect of vacation was completely out of my comfort zone because I am that woman who loves her MAC makeup and most times when I'm in a pool, try desperately not to get my hair wet because that would automatically mean a visit to my stylist (I try to never wash my own hair).

Well, I let it all go for the sake of enjoying my vacation to a degree I had not in the past.  You would probably think I was lying when I honestly tell you that I haven't washed my own hair since 2007. That is when my husband and I decided to get baptized together as part of our 10th anniversary celebration.  I am just that girl.  The one who will wear make up to the grocery store because you never know who you might see in the store or wear perfume to bed because you never know where your dreams will take you.  I hope this helps you understand that spending 5+ days on vacation with no makeup, no flat irons, and no hair styling was, let's just say, different.

The opportunity to go "free" was exhilerating.  I didn't care if rain fell on us during our hikes or if the kids splashed too much when they kicked in the pool.  My beauty was not tied to a comb, brush or lip gloss.  It didn't take me long to realize that I was still beautiful because the essence of any woman is her inner beauty.  It is given as a gift from God to captivate the heart of those around us. 

Why do you think women are normally nurturing and easy to connect with?

During vacation I finished reading Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge.  In their book, they eloquently share that beauty is powerful!  Even better, beauty,

  • speaks
  • invites
  • nourishes
  • comforts
  • and inspires

Beauty draws us to God! 
Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.  1 Peter 3:3-4 (NLT)

This vacation was different than others in year's past.  I walked away with a greater appreciation for myself and the inner magnificence that resides within.  For once in a very long time, my body, soul and spirit were at rest.  My relaxed soul found beauty, not only within, but in every aspect of God's stunning glory exquisitely displayed throughout nature.

Stasi Eldredge states it best in her book by sharing:

A woman of true beauty is a woman who in the depths of her soul is at rest, trusting God because she has come to know Him to be worthy of her trust.

Thank God I left the mountains more beautiful than ever before!  (Posted by Renee)


  1. I absolutely love this post. I laughed a few times especially when you talked about wearing make up to the grocery store or trying to avoid getting your hair wet in the pool. So I can imagine how "different" this experience must've been for you.
    I'm totally opposite. being raised in a strict home where make up was discouraged, I very seldom ever wear make up. I wish I knew how to quickly apply a natural look.
    Maybe you can do a quick tip post on your make-up routine:-)Thank God He looks at the inward beauty.

    1. Thanks for the blog idea. I might have to consider doing a video blog showing my regular make up routine. Blessings!


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