Swift Transition

The Cousins!
In a moment life can change.  It easily can start with a disturbing phone call, accident, medical report or disabling injury.  You find your head and heart swirling trying to make sense of how fast your life has been altered.  I've learned over many years that life if full of swift transitions.  We move from one season to another in a moment's notice.  For instance, a young wife who's husband is killed during active duty in Afghanistan instantly becomes a widow and a single mother-swift transition.

I spent this weekend celebrating the life of my Uncle (John Milton Rutledge).  His legacy spanned over 80 years and although he had a long and prosperous life, the loss still hurts.  The death of a loved one is anything but easy.  It all began with an upsetting phone call letting me know he had a devastating fall.  In less than a week, he quietly and swiftly transitioned to his heavenly home.

No matter how fast our life changes, we must learn how to move forward with strength and resilience.  I found strength being surrounded by loving family members.  Family from as far as Africa and the UK.  My cousins and I spent the weekend sharing fond memories of our Uncle.  That's really all we have now.  We can see his tall frame hunched over his cane, hear his deep bass voice and feel at peace knowing he is resting in the arms of his Creator.

Q:  What swift transition has occurred in your life?  How did you handle it?

I pray that God would comfort and saturate you with His peace.  You can make it through anything.  In fact, tough moments are what strengthen us.  You are surrounded by family and those that love you even if they are near or far.

Remember to live intentionally.  Life moves fast! It is similar to a vapor or mist evaporating in the air.

Here's a little advice:  Because life if full of swift transition, build your hopes on things eternal.  Don't be consumed with those things that are temporary and will soon pass away.  Leave a positive legacy for yourself. At the end of your journey all that is left are precious memories. (Posted by Roslyn)


  1. A close family friend was graduating from med school. The day the family was preparing to travel for her graduation was the day we got the call that she died in a car accident leaving behind a husband and a one year old daughter. Her photo was placed in her seat at graduation. This swift transition, although not my blood relative, totally took me for a loop. It made me question everything about my life and my relationship with God. I even questioned why God would allow that to happen. Thankfully, her life was hidden in Christ and I grew closer to God as a result.
    Great post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hope,

    What a transition to have to deal with. Thank God that He is our comforter in times of adversity.

  3. The transition from life to death is perhaps the most difficult for those of us who are left. Praying for your family at this time. Thanks for reminding us of the source for out strength during these times.
    Good post. Clella

    1. Clella, thanks for your words of comfort and your beautiful compliment.


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