Simple Message In A Complicated World

Is it already here?  The date on the calendar says it's Christmas Eve, but I am still in shock.  This has been the fastest year of my life.  You are probably feeling the same way.  Did you complete all of your holiday shopping?  This time of year can be full of anxiety.  We have so many tasks to complete without enough time or money.

I look around while I am out and about and see so many discouraged faces.  Isn't this the most "wonderful" time of the year?  Many are pondering numerous thoughts:  how will I pay for these bills, how many gifts do I buy, how much money should I spend, what dish will I cook for the family dinner, or just the sheer hesitation of attending the family dinner.  

Stress, anxiety and tension seem to characterize this holiday season as our society continues to move towards materialism.  Our kids have a sense of entitlement. Some children even tag along with their parents to make sure they buy the right gift for them.  Where have we gone wrong?

The reason for this Christmas season is simple:  
Birth of Jesus Christ-Savior of the World

Why are we making it so complicated?  

Our only quest should be to praise and adore the fact that God had another plan for our lives.  We were headed for destruction, but God sent His son to Earth.  Jesus was the Messiah the world needed.  

"I bring you good news of great joy for everyone!  The Savior-yes, the Messiah, the Lord-has been born tonight in Bethlehem." (Luke 2:10 NLT)

In a world where we are fighting about gun laws and kid safety at school, one fact remains.  Jesus Christ came to save us.  Peace on earth is only through accepting Him.  The further we move away from this truth the darker our world becomes.  

This Christmas my heart prays for all those who are away or mourning their loved ones.  I am praying that God's peace will saturate this Earth. Help spread this simple message in our complicated world.  Merry Christmas! (Posted by Roslyn)


  1. Very well stated. It's so easy to get caught up in the excitement of the season that we forget the reason for the season;the birth of our Savior. Great post. Merry CHRISTmas!


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