Friday Favorites-Kid's Books

I love books!  Books are all over my house.  I'm not a mom that buys toys but boy will I spend tons of money on books.  I just enjoy reading. Early on I wanted to instill that same passion into my boys.  

Now that my oldest son is heading into his teenage years, I've cleaned out the bookshelf.  But somehow I can't get rid of these childhood favorites.

Here are my top 3 choices:

  • I'm Parker:  Crystal Bowman
    • The main character, Parker,  is so inquisitive and asks questions about everything.  He takes the toddler reader on a journey of adventures as he discovers the answers to all of life's BIG questions.
  • Please, Baby, Please:  Spike Lee & Tonya Lewis Lee
    • This book helped my son learn the word please.  Instead of always saying "no" to our young babies this book teaches us to say please, for example, when we need them to go back to bed at 3am in the morning.  You will delve into the life and schedule of a young baby still in diapers and all the challenges she causes her mom during her busy day.
  • Good Night Moon:  Margaret Wise Brown
    • My personal favorite because it always meant the bouncing babies in my house were settling down for a nap or bedtime.  It is just the perfect read to snuggle with after a long day of chasing that little one around the house.
Leave us a comment and tell us your favorite children's book. (Posted by Roslyn)


  1. Aww I loved reading these books with your little guy! I saw NOT NORMAN in a teachers classroom and it reminded me of him!

    I always tell Joey about you having a huge amount of books for the boys, always took them to the library, and how they are SUCH great readers. You are an inspiration for how I want to do the same with my kiddos.



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