I'm Afraid!

I spend much more time at home now. As the weather heats up, I realize just how many lizards, frogs and creepy, crawly insects are waiting at my door to jump (literally) inside my house. Do you blame them? The nice AC is probably the biggest attraction to come in. I sat on my favorite white couch a few days ago and noticed the most gigantic lizard. I didn't yell for fear that he would run. But, I calmly asked my son to, "come get it". He just peered at it and said, "Mom, that lizard is too big for me to catch". What the heck? I was hoping to be rescued, by my son, from this huge lizard so I could finish reading my book. The day went on, but rest assured, I kept my eyes on "the lizard". I wanted to make sure I knew his every move. During every phone conversation, I was talking about "the lizard". He never left from the windowsill and I was happy because my husband was coming home. He would rescue me. He truly ...