Five To Thrive

It's almost here...Thanksgiving is next week and we will officially enter the 2014 holiday season.  I've already started making list and researching savory recipes.  This time of year, life is all about being thankful.

Living a life of gratitude leads to surviving even the toughest moments of your life.  I've actually seen others at their low points and still find a way to be thankful.

Here are my personal FIVE TO THRIVE, they represent the top 5 things I'm most thankful for:


  • It is my daily declaration to say that sickness and disease are far from me.  I'm thankful for a body that is strong, mobile, and full of health.

  • Simply stated - education dispels ignorance.  Education is your passport into the future and one of your most powerful weapons.

  • Reading the Bible daily is apart of my sacred morning ritual.  I crave hearing from the purest voice I know.  At birth, God formed my physical body but daily he breathes critical content into me that allows me to inspire others and be encouraged.

  • This might seem trivial, but at this stage of my life I LIVE in body slimmers.  Thank God for Spanx.  It creates a wonderful illusion.  Here's a secret - at times, I've been known to wear two body shapers at the same time.
  • These are the people in my life that ground and support me.  They have the natural ability to accept me.  I think my smile is a little brighter everyday because of them, both near and far, my family ROCKS!

What about you - as we prepare for Thanksgiving next week, what are your FIVE TO THRIVE?  Leave us a comment on Facebook or Twitter and let us know.  (Posted by Roslyn)


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