She GOT Braces!

Roslyn with braces

This is my new look.  I've had so many people comment and say, "You had perfect teeth, why did you get braces?"  I'm sometimes shocked at the overwhelming honesty of people.  We all make decisions at times that others might not understand.

Trust me, there have been moments of me thinking to myself...Why did I go and get braces?  My mouth and teeth were so tender for the first week.  Eating a cracker or even a bite of toast made me wince in pain.  But as time has moved forward, I've become more accustomed to the metal cage in my mouth.

The process to put them on was SO easy!  But when the ortho assistant added the connectors (look like pink rubber bands), that's when I said, "ouch".  She nodded her head and said, "that discomfort Mrs. Rice, will soon turn to PAIN".  She was absolutely right.  I'm excited, that in a few short months, I will have an absolute winning smile.  It will be complete with aligned teeth and a corrected midline. But it won't happen until I get through this uncomfortable, tender, can't eat nuts or chew gum, squeezing process type of experience.

Everything in life that causes pain provides some purpose. Pain from a fall reminds us to be careful when we are walking.  Pain from a burn teaches us to not touch items that are hot. Pain from a broken relationship lets us know that everyone doesn't always have our best interest at heart.

Just like those connectors on the brackets of my braces, the squeezing of life causes pain.  

But we can always look forward to a new alignment in our thinking, outlook or future.  Stand strong, grab some soup and watch how quickly you will align to a new YOU in 2015! (Posted by Roslyn)

..."In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world." John 16:33


  1. I’ve seen some photos of you before the braces, and I think your teeth are just fine. But that is my own opinion. If you think that there is still something to improve upon, then so be it. In the end, it’s all what you choose for yourself. Anyway, I hope your journey with braces is a smooth one. Thanks for sharing this with us, Roslyn. All the best!

    Alexis Jensen @ Kelleher Ortho

    1. Thanks Alexis for the beautiful compliment. I will make sure to pass it on to Roslyn. Have a great day!


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