Fantasy KIDS = Fantasy WORLD

My boys enjoy video games, like most kids.  This generation is so stimulated by those interactive games that it has seeped into our classrooms.  My 4th grader has to complete homework every night on a private educational website that looks similar to Facebook.

Normally, when my boys play on the weekends, I snuggle into take a nap.  It is one of the RARE times in my house that it is quiet.  The other times at home are filled with rowdy boys making crazy noises with their body parts.  

With a simple xbox controller they can CREATE themselves in this fantasy world.  They choose from a plethora of features like eyewear, skin color, hair style, shoes, body type, etc.  They have the ability to build the perfect athlete, with the perfect skills and stamina.  No work has been done to achieve all this, just a little boys creative imagery.  My youngest always HAS to win.  If he doesn't, he carries around an attitude all day, as if he's played a real game - but remember it's all FANTASY.

In the middle of the game, they can switch out players, determine what they will say in the "post news conferences" and even watch as their fantasy player is traded or becomes MVP.  I just shake my head and think, we are raising a society of children and adults that don't know how to deal with their current realities.

What's happened to critical thinking?  Have a problem - find a solution!  

Everything can be altered to create the perfect storm for success in the fantasy world.  It's not just kids but even adults who embrace this illusion of reality.  Have you heard of FANTASY FOOTBALL?  Ok, I think I've made my point.

The reality is, life is a process.  It is a series of experiences that have the ability to grow and mature us.  God, thankfully, does not work on our timeline. We can't become frustrated when "miracles" don't happen overnight. 

The REALITY is - God has eternity as His arsenal of timing.  We live in a world where, hard work should still be valued OVER a spirit of entitlement.   

Colossians 3:23-24New International Version (NIV)

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

As you start this week wishing for that fantasy job, press on knowing that your hard work does not go in vain.  You can be changing diapers, directing school traffic, flying an airplane or an environmental engineer on a major project - your work and service is unto HIM.  Put in the hard work, understanding that your reward will come in due season.  (Posted by Roslyn)


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