Countdown To Christmas...11 days!

That's right, we are only 11 days away from Christmas.  Most people schedule's are packed with holiday parties, social events and family gatherings.  The weather has not been as cool or dry as it normally is in December, so it has lulled people into thinking they have more time to prepare for Christmas than they do.

As you rush around to beat the holiday rush, find a way to truly just ENJOY the season.  We only have a few more days left in 2015.  The days left on the calendar are evaporating like the mist on a foggy morning.  SLOW down, BREATHE and relish in the fact that you are alive.

I recently had the opportunity to join my sister on her annual "Christmas photo session".  It was a blast and thankfully the weather turned out perfect.  As we went to a park overlooking a lake, the water was serene and the sky was the perfect shade of blue.  Our mom joined us, which was icing on the cake.  My oldest is 15 years old, and this is the first time that all of us slowed down, rallied together to make this photo shoot happen.

My sister and her family are a PRO at this.  They knew exactly where to stand, how to smile, what to wear and what tree provided the perfect backdrop.  I am blessed this holiday to have family and friends.  It takes a village to raise children and stay sane in this fast paced world.

Renee and Alton are pros at taking Christmas photos

Recently, I read a story that showed me that I need to approach each day with "eager expectation". 

Sometimes we think life won't improve, finances will stay the same, or the family member with an addiction can't recover.  Well, give yourself the gift of EAGER EXPECTATION this Christmas.  Expect that God will perform miracles in your life.  Don't allow your biggest enemy to be YOU and your negative thoughts - shift how you view the world, despite what you physically see.

Faith is believing in something you can't see - so this Christmas, positively BELIEVE and watch what changes in your life. (Posted by Roslyn)


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