Shattered Glass

A few months ago I told you I was going to commit to having more peaceful and encouraging speech.  You do know when you make a commitment like that, you will immediately be tested.  Well it happened to me.

I'm striving to be more intentional with the words I use.  Through a recent study, I learned that I will be held accountable for every idle word I speak.  That's right, every empty or casual word you speak, you will have to give an account to God for using it.

And I tell you this, that you must give an account on judgment day of every IDLE word you speak. ~Matthew 12:36

Here's what happened - while on vacation major damage happened to our rental car.  I was in my hotel room napping (YES, I love to nap) and I received a phone call from the front desk manager.

He informed me that damage happened to my car.  I was delirious from being asleep and didn't really get it.  Finally, I woke up and went to see the car.

Sure enough this is what I found:

HOLE in the sunroof!

Glass was everywhere


Glass was everywhere.  A large object had fallen from an upstairs floor and landed right on the sunroof. YIKES!  The MANY words that came to my head were NOT uplifting or encouraging.  I was so upset.  
BEYOND upset, because this was a rental car. 

Did I take out insurance? How would I explain this? How much would this cost? A sudden sick feeling came over me. Worry filled my head. Long story short, I'm happy to say, by the grace of God, I remained CALM.

In that moment, in YOUR upsetting moments you can't always control the situation.  There was nothing I could have done to avoid this moment. 

You can CHOOSE the response you have to the situation, even an unfair, had nothing to do with you type of moment.  That phone call, that woke me from my peaceful slumber changed the trajectory of my entire vacation.  All the great memories were suddenly overshadowed by this silly event. My peaceful morning of resting by the pool was completely shattered, just like the glass all over the front seat.

As we continue through the rest of the year, we will encounter some CRAZY and unpredictable moments.  Guess what - you can CHOOSE your response.  Pray that it will be appropriate and honoring to God. (Posted by Roslyn)


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