Tragedy Found Me!

I don't care how much you may try to avoid a tragedy, it might just find you. Few of us go through life without experiencing some type of tragic event or loss.

It comes out of nowhere.

It's never expected.

It has a way of finding you whether you open the door, answer the phone or say hello to it.

Recently I returned home from a 10 day vacation. Our family time away started in West Palm Beach with us cheering on our youngest in his rookie baseball state tournament. We were on such a high because the boys dominated and won their district championship that allowed them to advance to the state competition. Unfortunately our state appearance ended quickly. Oh well. Despite the sweltering heat and game losses, we had a blast!

Accidental country girls!
We then traveled from the Palm Beach area to our yearly vacation with my sister and her family. Just two hours north we would find the wide open fields of ranch living. Beaches, city lights, and a vibrant night life gave way to roaming bison, energetic billy goats, and nightly line dancing in an authentic western saloon.

Everything around the ranch moved at a slower pace. I had time to hear and ponder my thoughts, listen to God's gentle whispers and relax my body. I could finally catch up on my reading. My mornings started with peaceful walks and ended watching the sunset off in the distance. What could be more enjoyable?

Life was beyond great UNTIL.........

Tragedy struck.

This particular night we would sit out by the open fire in front of the saloon and make s'mores with the kids.

In an INSTANT my life was different.

One minute a flaming hot marshmallow is on the end of my stick and in the next second, my son is on the ground kicking around in the mulch screaming that he's on fire. Everything happened so fast that I can't even remember the details of the event. As I sit here on my computer at 1:00 in the morning, the memory of seeing my son still torments me. Not nearly as much as it did the night of the incident.

His screams pierced my ears.
My babies. (Post surgery)

I run with him into the saloon to try and find mustard and ice. (Mustard is great with burns. Don't believe me, google it.) He tries desperately to fight the tears because the saltiness of them cause his facial burns to hurt even more.

His flesh is burned. It's a sight that no mom should have to see. What in the heck happened? Lord, please help me!

I don't remember much else, except, we leave the saloon and rush my son to ER. Since we're in the middle of nowhere, it takes what seems like a lifetime to get him there. My sister is driving while my son is sitting between my 17 year old nephew and 15 year old daughter. Roslyn is driving 90 mph to try and get us there. My sweet baby boy is screaming to the top of his lungs. I've NEVER heard him scream like this. I can't even begin to imagine the intense pain he's feeling. It overwhelms me and I BREAK DOWN! I can't stop the tears. I briefly remember my sister's hand on my knee as she tries to drive and console me at the same time.

And then, out of the chaos, my teenage daughter begins to PRAY!

Wait, what?

Within minutes of her prayer ending, the ear piercing screams from my son are SILENCED! Jordan fell asleep.

Crap, I hadn't even thought to pray. I only cried out. Praying any type of audible prayer was so far from my mind. In that moment, I wasn't an inspirational blogger, Bible study teacher, small group leader or any other role. I was a teary-eyed, privately hysterical mom in desperate need for her son's pain to stop.

I knew God would use this experience as a testimony in some way, I just didn't know how. Read these beautiful words from the Psalms...

Psalms 8:2 (TLB)

You have taught the little children to praise you perfectly. May their example shame and silence your enemies!

Enjoying God's beauty!
All the prayers we'd prayed together, she listened. When she didn't always want to pray, she recognized it's power. In a moment of tragedy, crisis and chaos, she knew what to do!

My deepest and most fervent prayer for my children is that they may know Christ for themselves. On that night, Hannah clearly demonstrated, she does! (Posted by Renee)

Isaiah 43:1-3 (NIV)

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord your God,
    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;


  1. Wow..Renee pray is Awesome and Iam happy that Jordon found some peace in your daughter's prayer..if we train our children up in the Lord's,when we forget to pray they will..

    1. Thanks Sharon! Her prayer continues to be a blessing to us.

  2. My favorite takeaway: she recognized its power (referring to prayer) amen!

  3. What truth you share with your readers. We feel your agony for your son and we see the strength of your witness through your daughter.

    God has a healing power beyond our understanding.


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