I've always embraced my body's curves and edges. A little extra love handle never really freaked me out. I'm comfortable in my own skin and I don't feel the need to be the skinniest chick in the crowd. I exercise, eat fairly healthy and take care of my body. Last year during a routine physical, I was made aware of my blood pressure being on the high side. It wasn't crazy high, but it was elevated. My physician asked me to eat less sodium, continue to exercise and return in three months for a follow up to see if it would make an impact on my numbers.

In a matter of minutes, I quickly realized why high blood pressure is called the "silent killer".


I didn't feel sick or anything. I needed to lose weight to help combat this concern. It was time to take action. Over the next few months, I implemented a few things that made a tremendous difference. Before I share, realize there's no silver bullet with weight loss. You've got to do the work. Speak with your physician and find out what eating plan works best with your body. For me, three easy adjustments made it happen. Here they go:

I Ate Less

  • Less sodium
  • Smaller portions
  • Reduced the number of times I ate at restaurants
  • More fresh fruits and veggies cooked at home
  • Kept it simple: good protein source + veggies + fruit + complex carb
  • Reduced sugar intake

I Exercised more

  • Consistency with exercise (4-5 days/week)
  • Variety in exercise (Zumba, Walking, Running, Hip Hop Dancing & Strength Training)

Accountability with Friends & Family

  • My sister held me accountable to workouts and eating less sodium
  • Posted workouts in Facebook accountability workout groups (running & eating groups)
  • Saturday morning runs with a buddy

I quickly realized that sodium was almost like poison to my body. Even with the weight loss, I was prescribed medication to help regulate my pressure. Fortunately my echocardiogram evaluation came back normal indicating there wasn't any permanent damage to my heart. I will continue to keep my sodium intake low, my exercise days consistent and control my portions. Prayerfully this post encourages you to take just one step towards a healthier lifestyle! (Posted by Renee)


  1. Great post! Very relevant. Thank you for sharing.

    1. My pleasure! I wanted to inspire because the health journey isn't easy.

  2. Thanks for sharing Renee. You look amazing! I need to do better because this weight loss journey isn’t easy.

    1. I agree Kim. It isn't an easy journey. Make small changes. They will lead to BIG results.

  3. You look amazing, Renee! Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much Kimberly. I appreciate the compliment!


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