EXPLORE something new

Happy New Year! This is my first post of 2018 and it's already February. I've missed being with each of you. Maybe you read this blog while commuting, home with a cup of coffee or on your office desktop. Renee and I are deeply honored to be apart of your life and sharing our unique adventures with you.

Today is our 7th year of blogging. We started with our 1st post on 2.1.11. Time just evaporates doesn't it?

Every year my friends and I decide NOT to make resolutions. Instead, we choose ONE word that will help shape and frame our new year. In the past, a list of resolutions would have us defeated in the first week of January. Choosing ONE word allows us to have an anchor and focus in every circumstance we will face in the upcoming months.  My word for 2018 is:


Wouldn't you agree that with every passing day we are in unchartered waters? Our world and this country is changing fast. Technology is disrupting many industries and our days are often spent wishing we had more hours to complete mundane tasks.

This year will be a year of 1st for me:

  • Son graduating from high school
  • Sister opening her own State Farm agency
  • New role at work
  • Son starting college in August
  • Attending a marriage conference (yup that's a first for me)

Tyler is heading to college

I can't be afraid to explore the world around me. In all honesty, with all these new 1st I am AFRAID.  Ahh, there is freedom in saying that. But being courageous is not the absence of fear. It's moving forward in the face of fear. I want to be open to the next assignment God has for my life. Being a mother of a child in the home will feel different as I get ready to parent a child leaving my physical home. But I refuse to squelch his excitement because of my own selfish want to keep him home.

Hebrews 13:5 let's me know that God is always with me. He promises never to leave me. He is stronger than any evil force that tries to evoke fear in our world. I daily choose to listen to His voice and not the voice of skepticism and fear. I pray that 2018 will be the year that you and I truly discern when to be silent and when to be bold. I want to learn when to activate or when to stand still. 

Are you ready to scratch that list of resolutions? Aren't you tired of drinking those green smoothies? 😀 Seek to find a word that will frame your 2018. (Posted by Roslyn)


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