Simplify Everything

Where are my keys?
What are we eating for dinner?
Where is my homework?
Oh gosh, I thought that appointment was tomorrow.

Does any of this sound like you? Keep reading, this post is for YOU!

I normally take about 25-30 trips a year. I travel countless miles in the air, train, subway, and car. Anywhere from Montreal to Georgia and many states in between. I've visited every borough in New York. I've realized people from Staten Island are MUCH different than those from East Orange, NJ. My favorite radio station comes from Philadelphia, PA - WDAS. The best clam chowder is from Boston. Hands down, in my opinion, some of the most diverse cuisines and people are in Manhattan and Toronto.

I can't go further in the email without first thanking my husband, Tyjuan Rice. He sacrificially supports our family and me during all our travel transitions.

My handsome hero - team Rice!

Over the years, of robust travel, I've learned to SIMPLIFY everything in my life. As my sister is launching her new State Farm Agency (shameless plug), I have found myself coaching her on how to prep and simplify. That's my inspiration for this post. If I can help her, I am hoping that some of my simplification tricks can help you too.

Roslyn's Simplify Everything:

  1. Buy in bulk
  • Grocery shopping can be a time waster if you aren't prepared. Preparing a list of meals you want to cook daily and adding the items on a grocery list help you not "miss" any ingredients. Buying in bulk also helps you keep a well stocked pantry. When you find a great item your family uses frequently, buy it in BULK Ex: Nutella was Buy One Get One Free a week ago, I purchased 8 of them so I would stock up on them at their lowest price (NO more running out)
2.  MultiTask
  • While the boys are asking questions about homework, I am preparing dinner. Juggling more than one thing at a time is a timeSAVER. I also pack during touch base calls with my teams (shh, don't tell them) to ensure I don't miss packing necessary items because I am in a rush. Listen to a podcast on your drive to work so you feel empowered and energized to start your work hustle.
3.  Pack Lighter
  • I remember the days of overpacking and it has COST me wear and tear on my body (specifically my shoulders and back) and my suitcases. The lighter you pack, the easier it is to move throughout the city. Now even if you aren't packing for a trip, you are packing a bag to take to the gym, office or school. Your handbags/backpacks should NOT weigh 10 pounds. Take time each week to clean out old receipts and coins to lighten your load.
4. Use A Calendar
  • How many times have you overcommitted and underdelivered? You MUST have a calendar that you use to keep track of all your appointments and schedules. I have a family calendar on my wall with all necessary appointment for the boys and details of my trips. We review the calendar at the start of the week, so no one is "accidentally leaving a child a school without a ride (I know I'm not the only one that has done this). With kids it's important to keep up with those early release dates or teacher planning days so you aren't caught off guard with zero childcare options.
5. Organize The JUNK Drawer
  • This sounds like a silly suggestion, BUT if you live amongst clutter it is a timeWASTER.  Look at your closets, underneath your sink, in your junk drawer - is it a mess? You will spend countless hours looking for everyday necessities like bills, glasses, keys, deodorant, lotion and phone chargers. Put everything in it's place. I run out the door to quickly to wonder where my keys are, that's why I always have them hanging on my key organizer located on the wall to give me peace of mind.
  • Also tear up or delete JUNK mail, not only in your mailbox but also your email. This helps you not miss important information and removes the feeling of being overwhelmed by all the paper in your house.
This road warrior has learned some hard lessons over the years. I have many more tips, but hope each of these 5 items helps jump start you to a life that is just more SIMPLE. (Posted by Roslyn)


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