WHO has time to think?

The boys are wrestling, running, and screaming in the house often during Summer. Most of the screaming comes from their constant disappointment while playing Fort Nite. I find it hard to THINK when noise levels are high. Come to think of it - WHEN was the last time I had the opportunity to think? The world is moving so fast. In just a month the kids will be back in school. There are many unnecessary items that fight for our attention. If we get a moment to ourselves, we don't sit in silence and think. NO we reach for our the tv, Neflix or our phone to see the latest notification or email that came into our inbox. A red traffic light, in 2018, isn't time to think either. It's now time to scan email, buy a pair of shoes, respond to a text, turn on the music or apply makeup. WHEN was the last time YOU had the opportunity to think? Carving out space to think is important for our mental health. It is very tempting to use a silent moment to peruse through social m...