I Don't Recognize This Country

I am thrilled that the holiday week is upon us. Today is Canada Day and on Wednesday (July 4th) the United States will celebrate our independence. Our freedom as a country. July 4th is such a celebratory holiday where the day is long and the grills are wafting some incredible aromas in the air. People happily stay up late for fireworks and holiday shenanigans with friends and family.


I try to look at the news daily for edification on the latest events. This year I'm realizing there is so much I don't recognize about our country. The constant bickering on the news really, I mean REALLY upsets me. People no longer take the time to research the facts of a story. Water cooler discussions at work have turned UGLY. Many are just a passionate imitation of what they see on the nightly news.

I don't recognize why people love a political party more than their love of GOD and country.

The human spirit is alive and well if you open your eyes to see it. The news curates a world that has limited and extreme views on both sides instead of seeking out the stories that inspire and motivate Americans to positively keep moving forward as a nation.

My mom has always said, "If you look for dirt long enough on anyone, you will find it." We CAN choose to embrace the positive spirit within our country. It's just a choice we have to make.

Why do we all CRAVE such negative stories? We tell ourselves, "I don't watch it." BUT we know that is really far from the truth - we might not watch it, but we sure are reading those notifications on our phone.


This holiday, Renee and I will CHOOSE to celebrate the freedom we have. We will celebrate the heroes that enable us to live and thrive in the greatest country on earth. Nothing will EVER break the human spirit, NOTHING. As I travel from state to state, I see and feel the love that people have for our country and each other. That is what inspires and motivates me.

GOD Bless America!

Stay encouraged, not based on the circumstances you see. Stay encouraged because God truly loves you unconditionally. From the highest mountaintop experience to your lowest valley and everywhere in between, GOD is there with open arms. History happens in cycles, and soon we will be in another "cycle". Stand strong, be bold and enjoy celebrating FREEDOM! (Posted by Roslyn)

From us to you - Happy 4th of July!


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