You Have More TIME Than You Think

"I don't have time for that."
"Sorry I can't come, I am too busy."
"I wish there were more hours in my day."
"I will have to decline that invitation, my schedule is packed."
"Oh gosh, so sorry that I am late (again)."
"I picked up the phone to call you, but started working on something else and forgot."

Have you said any of these statements lately? For most of us, they are common comments or thoughts when we are frustrated that we are running OUT of time. Our schedules are packed with activities, meetings and deadlines. Our kids social calendars creep into our overflowing calendar and missed appointments are bound to happen.

This Summer I was inspired to take on a reading challenge. Now reading is something I love to do but like most people, rarely find the time to do it. A team member told me I needed to make edits in my life so that I could find time to read, find time to do something I loved.

Did she NOT realize I was planning 4 graduation parties, preparing to take a son to college AND flying all over the East coast?

Well I agreed to read a book she suggested. Within a few minutes I was sucked in, learning that not having enough time is just a MYTH. I thought that BOLD statement was ridiculous.

Calling something "work" does not make it important or necessary...OUCH (that was on page 5) 
excerpt from 168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam

I went onto finish that book and learned how to EDIT from my schedule many items that were time wasters. As with any therapy or self help book, the information given is only as good as you make it. I had to do the hard work (which included keeping a time log) to take an honest look at my schedule and activities.

Time is a nonrenewable resource. Taking on this challenge took discipline. But discipline is what is needed in our distracted world.
Summer Reading 2018

We all have the same 168 hours, it's just about how YOU choose to use them. The Summer progressed and I read 6 books + my Bible, which was a HUGE step forward. I realized that I DID have time for those things I prioritized in my life. (Posted by Roslyn)

What will you CHOOSE today - Time wasters or Time savers?


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