I'm Pissed!

I'm sure the title of my post offends some, however, it's the only word strong enough to share my level of disappointment and frustration over today's political environment. What happened to the days when we could sit down together and have a decent debate about our views? Sometimes we agreed and sometimes we didn't. So what! We would just agree to disagree and move on. Not today. This political environment is different. Way different. A difference of opinion today means that a person is judged for their beliefs. We're judged by how we vote, what we feel about the issues and where we choose to get our news from. If you believe in one Republican ideal you're labeled a Conservative. If you side with some of the Democratic ideals you're labeled a Socialist or Liberal. There's no middle ground or moderate voice in today's political dialogue. What happened? Whether you believe it or not, families are being torn apart. Friends are ...