I'm Pissed!

I'm sure the title of my post offends some, however, it's the only word strong enough to share my level of disappointment and frustration over today's political environment.

What happened to the days when we could sit down together and have a decent debate about our views? Sometimes we agreed and sometimes we didn't. So what! We would just agree to disagree and move on.

Not today.

This political environment is different. Way different.

A difference of opinion today means that a person is judged for their beliefs. We're judged by how we vote, what we feel about the issues and where we choose to get our news from. If you believe in one Republican ideal you're labeled a Conservative. If you side with some of the Democratic ideals you're labeled a Socialist or Liberal. There's no middle ground or moderate voice in today's political dialogue.

What happened?

Whether you believe it or not, families are being torn apart. Friends are falling out and it's all because of a difference of opinion.

Are you kidding me? A darn difference of opinion?

Siblings aren't speaking, parents won't visit their children and friends refuse to even speak. Social media is a big part of the problem. We read someone's post or tweet and we immediately form an opinion. We don't sit down with the person to try and talk through their concerns or beliefs. We instead judge and stew in rage.

The enemy of God's Kingdom, Satan, is crafty and deceitful. He's using this environment to his advantage by wreaking havoc all along the way. I'm not even talking about those who aren't Christian. I'm describing those individuals within the body of Christ. I guess that's why God shared the following in 2 Chronicles 7:14....

If My people who are called by My name put away their pride and pray, and look for My face, and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

This text of scripture starts with one key word, IF! That means that we, as a body of believers, have a decision to make. He didn't start with the word "when". Instead it starts with the word "if". It's as if God knew, some of us would and some of us wouldn't. Just think about what would happen if we followed the advice in this scripture.

How different would our world be if we:

  • put away pride (the need to be right)
  • prayed and 
  • turned from sin

We have ONE purpose during our time on this Earth. We are commanded to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and win souls for Christ. That's it! We are not here to defend our political position, argue with "friends" on Facebook about their political position or promote a candidate at the expense of others. That's not our ultimate purpose. I'm not saying we aren't to be involved in the political landscape. We instead must always remember that we want to be an invitation to Christ.  If our words, tweets, or Facebook posts push others from our Savior, what's the point? You got your political point across but at what cost?

Might I suggest:

  • Stay away from political posts and tweets if crafted out of anger or impulse
  • Don't comment on political posts if your words are hurtful and mean
  • Have an open minded conversation with someone who differs in your political view
  • Listen more than you talk when conversing

Don't allow your actions to further the work of the enemy! He knows his purpose and he will use any scheme or tactic to throw us off our God given purpose.

My prayer is for unity. The change that I want to see, starts with me, not the Republicans or Democrats! (Posted by Renee)

Matthew 28:20 (NIV)

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching the to obey everything I have commanded you....


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