We Are Making Enemies

The Christmas season is filled with people literally rolling over you just to get that perfect gift for their friend or family member. If you think I’m kidding, just try to park your car at a mall parking lot today on Christmas Eve.

Is this really the happiest season of all?

If we are honest in the last days of 2018, we ALL are motivated by SELFISH desires. For example, the craving to take constant selfies and post them on social media feeds that craving. You might say, "Roslyn I’m not selfish".

Here’s a simple question - When you are in a group photo who do you look at first? I bet the answer is YOU. We look at ourselves first because if we don’t look attractive enough we want the entire group to take another picture...SELFISH.

Here’s another example - we sit in the car line at school. Once we pick up OUR kids we purposely disobey all the school speed limits and ignore traffic signs just to get home quicker...SELFISH.

As we wrap up this year and reflect on how we pursued our goals, let’s set our hearts for a newer path in 2019. A world with more people treating others the way they want to be treated leads to a happier world. We can ALL contribute to making our communities stronger and healthier than they are now.

We can ALL have a stronger commitment to sow little seeds of gratitude and kindness, then one day a large harvest of happiness will enter our world again.

MERRY CHRISTMAS from our families to yours!

Renee and I truly wish you a holiday of joy, FUN and peace. Treasure the time with friends and family. Enjoy the laughter of the season. Please be willing to pray for those that are having a hard holiday without their loved one nearby. There are so many people within our communities that are lonely during the Christmas season. Find a way to thank our military families that consistently sacrifice and put their lives on the line so we can be free.

For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

~‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭9:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬


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