Parenting Success!

During a recent family meal, we each went around the table and shared one thing we loved about each other. Typically my 16 and 10 year old are on each other's nerves, so it warmed my heart to hear them being pleasant to each other. They were also surprised to hear each other's response.

Do you ever ask similar questions around your dinner table? If not, try it.

My youngest during vacation
 As much as it was a blessing to hear them talk about each other, their answer to me was beyond words. My 10 year old started out first. I was pretty sure he was going to compliment my cooking. I've always felt like I take "rock star" status in his mind because I enjoy cooking his favorites on a regular basis. His world revolves around sports, video games, sleep, reading books, and eating. Typical kid stuff.

Instead of him listing my participation in any of those activities, he quickly let me know that he loves how I teach him God's word.

Wait, what?

He actually likes our Bible study time together? Even though he sighs and even complains when it comes time to read his devotional, he LIKES it. Matter of fact, he LOVES it!

His sister then echoed the same sentiment as a reason why she loves me.  Oh my goodness! Their words nearly bought me to tears.

From the time they were born, I've always prayed that they would develop their own relationship with Jesus! It's my definition of parenting success. Sure, education is great. Where they attend college is spectacular.

Loving on Jesus for themselves is priceless!

No matter how much you think they aren't listening, they are. Keep giving them God's word no matter what and by any means necessary. Here's some quick examples of how to give them Jesus:

  1. Pray over your children before they go to school. Have them pray for you as well.
  2. Teach them scriptures and have them memorize them.
  3. Pray with them again before bedtime.
  4. Text them scriptures throughout the day to encourage them through rough times.
  5. Allow them to see you reading the Bible on a regular basis. (Be the example)
  6. Attend church with them.

When you raise your children with knowledge of God's love, it sets them up for major success! It also provides a wonderful promise to us as parents. Just try it and see what happens. (Posted by Renee)

Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.


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