

These are just a few words to describe many soldiers, cadets and officers that gave it all.  There are families grieving this holiday because their loved one paid the ultimate sacrifice. Many of us (including myself), relish in having a long holiday weekend, beach time and the unofficial start to Summer. Gold star families relive the pain of the moment they found out about their loved one that wouldn't be coming home.

Memorial Day is a hard holiday. While I sleep there is a soldier standing watch on foreign soil that I might live and sleep in freedom. Freedom is NOT free. Stop and think about that statement. Veteran's day is when we thank those in the military that are still alive. This weekend we remember those that have given their life.

Will you join countless Americans in a moment of silence? Will you silence your plans for a few short seconds to remember the sacrifice of those hurting this holiday? The parents without their children and the children without their parents defending OUR united freedom.

Thank you for answering the call. These men and women embodied valor, bravery and sacrifice so we can wave the American flag proudly. God bless our United States of America.


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