Congrats to the Class of 2019!

There have been so many incredible posts on social media about high school reunions, proms, college and high school graduations. Even the graduations from PreK seem to tug at my heart.

HOW has time moved so quickly? 

I remember some of these students playing T-ball with my son and now they have mustaches, taller than me and walking across that stage happily to receive their diploma. Even my own son (Joshua) is graduating from 8th grade and heading into high school (YES high school).

Life brings about swift transitions. I remember feeling so many emotions as Tyler (my oldest son graduated last year). The stress and strain of his senior year had taken it's toll on my physical and mental body.

By the end of 2018, I was on medical leave for weeks taking a much needed BREAK from LIFE

If I could only have told myself to CALM down and carry on. I wish someone would have hit me over the head and said, "stop stressing". But they couldn't because I didn't tell anyone. Even the woman that knows me best (my twin sister) didn't realize I was drowning. In my normal Roslyn fashion, I would just smile and present the me that had it ALL together. Isn't that what we do - suffer in silence?

Spring Break 2018
Stress was mounting but I just kept smiling

The reality - I was a wreck. Staying up late making list planning 4 graduation parties. Thinking about the financial impact of having a son AWAY in college. Worried what his first year would be like in school - would he sink or swim? Would he miss me as much as I missed him? Would he eat the type of organic meals I liked to prepare for him? Who would do his grocery shopping? What would his roommates be like? Would my black man child come home every night SAFE? Would he have an asthma attack that caused an ER visit?

I ushered myself right into an anxiety I had never known. A torment that kept me up at night thinking of the worse situations. 

Can I offer a little advice to you?

STOP worrying - they are going to be fine. YOU are going to be fine. It doesn't matter if it's your send off to Kindergarten or college, they will RISE to the occasion. You've prepared them for this moment. I found comfort in the fact that God is everywhere. I knew like he said in Psalm 91 - His angels would watch over Tyler.

Do NOT be a helicopter's not a good look. 

Mistakes will be made, tough days will happen, test will be failed, you won't like every roommate, you will be overwhelmed with emotion but a NEW chapter has begun. STRAP on and enjoy the ride. GOD is with you so don't fear! (Posted by Roslyn)


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