Say NO To Everything

This time last year I was at a low place. I was facing a medical challenge. I'd sent my oldest son off to college and was slowly adjusting to our new family dynamics. I lost many close family members. Unexpected deaths happened that just didn't make sense to me. My mental health was at best scattered after the highs and lows of senior year, graduation and college send off. I was trying to catch my breath but I couldn't. The mental load of life in the beginning can be easy to hide from others. You spend enough time away from self care and you will soon find yourself running on EMPTY. I was overcommitted in my dueling personal and professional schedules. I knew I needed to slow down BUT I didn't know how . I wouldn't say I'm a super detailed person, but I do try and stay as organized as possible. How do you organize your life? How do you know what priorities to focus on (personally & professionally)? How do you manage your time? A dear friend g...