When was the last time you took the opportunity to dream? Assuming no limitations, what is your wildest dream? How many dreams are buried inside of you? I remember being with a circle of women and the facilitator of the group asked us to complete a homework assignment. The homework was creating a list of 100 dreams. The dreams could be large or small (ex: mailing a card or reading a book uninterrupted). The pace of life often times gets in the way of us dreaming. As kids, I remember daydreaming all the time. During Summer, I would dream of being an educator just like my mom. I would dream of being a pretty princess in a fairytale. The curiosity of children keeps them imagining a different world. I realized with that homework assignment that I didn't even know where to start in listing my dreams. At first, I struggled to write down any dream. My ability to dream was buried. It's been buried as I navigate the role of mom, wife, colleague, girlfriend, sister, volunteer, leader...