When was the last time you took the opportunity to dream?

Assuming no limitations, what is your wildest dream?

How many dreams are buried inside of you?

I remember being with a circle of women and the facilitator of the group asked us to complete a homework assignment. The homework was creating a list of 100 dreams. The dreams could be large or small (ex: mailing a card or reading a book uninterrupted).

The pace of life often times gets in the way of us dreaming. As kids, I remember daydreaming all the time. During Summer, I would dream of being an educator just like my mom. I would dream of being a pretty princess in a fairytale. The curiosity of children keeps them imagining a different world.

I realized with that homework assignment that I didn't even know where to start in listing my dreams. At first, I struggled to write down any dream. 

My ability to dream was buried. 

It's been buried as I navigate the role of mom, wife, colleague, girlfriend, sister, volunteer, leader, etc. After years of hearing no or that's a crazy idea, you stop putting forth the energy to dream. You start to think of all the limitations and just stop dreaming. Seriously...

WHO has the time to dream anyway?

I realized that dreaming felt refreshing. Even the crazy and wacky dreams allowed me mentally to ruminate about something other than my current situation. I still refer to my "list of dreams". When I have a sliver of time I work to accomplish one dream at a time. It feels rewarding to actively and intentionally make the dreams (large or small) a reality.

Launching DPI was one of those dreams. Many years ago I felt a nudge or desire to be a consultant. But like most dreams, I buried it. After many years of working corporately, I knew I'd gained some valuable experiences. I knew that I didn't want them to go away. I wanted the opportunity to pay it forward. 

Life and distractions get in the way of us dreaming. Some of you have dreams of writing books or poetry, producing film, being married, starting a food truck, going back to school or other aspirations. Don't let your dream die on the vine. Find a way to put one action towards making that dream a reality. (Posted By Roslyn)

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." ~Walt Disney


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