Be Confident - You Are Prepared For This

 As a young girl I remember being afraid to speak in public. I was an introvert. People would describe me as quiet and shy all during my childhood. My sister, Renee, on the other hand was always an extrovert. She is outgoing and can strike up a conversation with ANY stranger. 

My mom would put us in oratorical contest where we would recite poems in front of hundreds of people (SCARY). She would also volunteer us to read scripture during youth Sunday church services (SCARY). I did NOT like it. I would have knots in my stomach thinking about speaking in front of all those people.

I remember reading the story of Moses in the Bible. He was commanded to tell the big mean king Pharaoh, "let my people go." Imagine being the one given that assignment. Moses came up with many reasons and excuses on why he wasn't the person to go to the king.

"But Moses pleaded with the Lord, "Oh Lord, I'm not very good with words. I never have been , and I'm not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled." ~Exodus 4:10

I felt like Moses as a young child and really found comfort in this verse. I tried to give my mom MANY excuses but she wasn't having it. 

Think about this - Moses was standing before a holy God that could literally do anything. Moses intentionally decided to focus on his limitations.

How many times have you told God - it's too hard, I'm not equipped, I'm not ready and stay STUCK at the level of comfortable?

Those scary moments of speaking in front of people as a child led me to this MOMENT. I speak in front of people all the time (I still get nervous). It's in the moments that we are pushed OUTSIDE of our comfort zone that we gain confidence in not relying on ourselves but on God to help us.

What has God been telling you to do to finish 2020 strong?

Why pray for the BIG things when you aren't obedient in the SMALL things?

My mom would tell me to whisper a prayer before I spoke to help with my nerves. It WORKED! I still do it today. Saying a prayer before an uncomfortable task shifts me from focusing on my physical weaknesses (like Moses) to focusing on God working through me.

Confidence develops over time. 

Confidence is trust on steroids. 

Confidence is a firm trust, no wavering and no doubting.

Everything that has happened in your life has prepared you for this moment. Don't hang your head in defeat when asked to step outside of your comfort zone. Don't fear; be confident in how God operates through you. This year is ending, reflect on the many strengths you possess.

As I was being prepared for more as a young girl, so are you. I know you will rise to the occasion and continue to gain confidence. (Posted by Roslyn)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


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