Power Of One - Countdown To Launch

The days are ticking away to the official countdown for the launch of my new book, "Power Of One: Finding Hope In The Midst Of Struggle." It launches on Tuesday, March 30th.

March 30, 2021

During tough moments hope for me is found in ONE word. ONE word from God can change the trajectory of your life. This book is written for those who are navigating a tough or as I like to call it, "spicy" season of life. It happens to all of us. Sometimes unannounced. A fog of darkness descends. Life becomes blurry. We can be disoriented by sadness, anxiety, or grief. It arises and lulls us into a funk. 

Life has the ability to throw a curveball at any moment. ONE phone call, ONE text, ONE notification, ONE court document, ONE doctor's report can provide an incredible sting. 

This book was written to remember the simplicity of ONE word. It can be overwhelming to digest numerous words of advice, negativity or even well wishes during times of struggle. ONE word from God has the power to calm a broken heart. Restore hope after betrayal. ONE word anchors peace into a restless heart. ONE word can help us trust again when life has let us down.

I am thankful that God speaks to me in one word. I write the word on a little chalkboard in my house. Every time I pass the word written on that little board, it reminds me of a promise from my Heavenly Father. My prayer is that this 40 day devotional will touch readers through the experiences shared on every page. A different story, a different season, a different word in every chapter. ONE word allowed me to have greater clarity in foggy places.

What WORD are you captivated by today?

What WORD of encouragement can you offer to someone?

Today, the word safe is a healing balm to my soul. I was able to visit my mom this week and hug her safely after many months of waiting. That moment brought me so much joy. My soul is refreshed.

Wherever life takes you today, be encouraged to keep moving forward. Even in moments of weeping, don't give up. Choose life. (Posted by Roslyn)

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. 
Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. 
~Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV


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