Top 3 Questions I'm Asked About Marriage

Photo credit: Highlight Studios My husband and I recently celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary so why not write a post about marriage? I don't claim to be an expert on the subject by any means but, I'm often asked about marriage and how we've made it together for so long. Here are 3 questions I'm asked the most: 1. How did you know he was the one ? Our dating/courtship was very short. After 5 months of dating exclusively, he asked me to marry him. We were both young and knew without any doubts that we wanted to share our lives together. All I can say is that I knew. I know that's probably not what you expected to hear but it's the truth. I just knew ! It was unlike any other relationship in my past. I will often share with singles that if you have to many questions about whether it's the right person on the other end of your relationship, it might not be the right person. One thing love is not is unsure. 2. What is the key to marriage ? Alton and I...