Happy Father's Day!

Did you know? 

Our beloved father was a TWIN!

I think that shatters the myth that being a twin, skips a generation. Our dad (Ernest) was also an avid golfer with a big personality. We spent many moments with him on a golf course during our childhood. There was great joy when dad would take us golfing with him on his days off. 

This was usually on a Monday. We enjoyed the many tasks of being with Big E (his nickname) - cleaning his clubs, riding in the golf cart (our favorite) and even raking the sand dune. We knew all of this would eventually lead to a Cherry Coke when we arrived back to the clubhouse. 

We didn't know it then but each encounter with a golf course and our dad was etching a precious memory we now cling too. Fast forward to 2021, our father now resides in heaven but we have incredible memories of being on that golf course with him. Not only do we have memories but also advice...LOTS of advice.

Our father gave us plenty of wisdom during the Summer of 1991. This is when we were heading to college at the University Of Florida (Go Gators). Life seemed much simpler back then. Renee and I still cherish the wise words from my dad. He was one of our greatest cheerleaders. 

For some this holiday could trigger trauma instead of happiness. It all depends on the relationship you had with your father. Maybe today it's hard to imagine a "Heavenly Father" because an earthly father left you with feelings of rejection and disappointment. 

Wherever you are today, whatever memory (positive or negative) you are holding...we want you to know that you are never alone. You are loved. You are still here today for purpose.

To all the positive male role models - fathers, coaches, grandpas, educators, godfathers, brothers, musicians, uncles, cousins, pastors and beyond - thank you! 

Thank you for showing up for someone other than yourself. Thank you for creating legacy in the life of another person. We wish you a weekend of rest and fun. Blessings!

"My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don't neglect your mother's instructions." ~Proverbs 1:8


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