Beyond The Book
This year has been filled with devastating news cycles. My heart is saddened. There is so much that can make us feel unsettled. Fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, political unrest, pandemic & division (just to name a few) can bring anyone to their knees searching for answers.
How much longer will this last?
How do I find calm in the midst of disruption?
Where do I find joy?
These type of questions are the reasons I wrote, "Power Of One: Finding Hope In The Midst Of Struggle." I wanted to find a way to bring God's light into so much darkness. I wanted to reassure readers that God uses our painful moments. It develops our character and fortitude. No experience is wasted.
When my book launched earlier this year it was a dream come true. Honestly, it was a passion project for me. I didn't know or understand the impact it would have. I didn't care about how many sold. I wanted to do something to fill my cup. Writing and encouraging others fills my cup.
I've received heartwarming messages, reader reviews & endorsements. Trust me, not all reviews have been positive. Rejection is a natural part of life. But a little tiny book sparks a discovery of hope and joy. God works in amazing ways.
In my stillness again this year, I've been nudged this holiday to go beyond the book. Some readers have read the book and asked for more (yes, I'm still writing). Power Of One was chosen as a summer read for a monthly book club.
I was so humbled to sit with these ladies as they chat about the impact of Power Of One in their life. Tears flowed. Some readers talked about having their faith stirred up and being courageous to take a new step.
One of the highlights this year has been receiving compliments from some of the matriarchs in my family, including my 90+ year old aunt. She called to tell me that she was so proud of me. My mom's smile when I signed her book lit up my heart. My aunt told me about her dreams of becoming an author when she was younger...WOW!!! That's the power of ONE word!
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Keep Looking Up! |
All it takes it one moment, one step, one action, one statement to change the trajectory of your life.
To everyone reading this:
Never Give Up On Your Dreams
God loves you. God doesn't pick favorites. He loves YOU! When I focus on the events of the day it can be hard to remember that. Yet, when I focus on nature and shift my focus UP and gaze at my loving Father, I know that I (and you) are deeply loved by Him. We are SAFE in His care.
In that spirit I am happy to announce that Power Of One has a new logo. Notice the P in the word Power. It is a P and 1 combined to help us all remember the power of one. One word from God can change your life. I've spent time this year even creating meditation flashcards. You can find them here.
Here is what God says about meditation.
"Be strong and courageous..." Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; MEDITATE on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."
~Joshua 1:7,8 NIV; emphasis mine
The meditation flashcards can be used at work or home to spark ways to journal. Journaling is therapeutic. It has a positive effect on our mental health. According to numerous articles journaling has many benefits including reducing anxiety, regulating emotions and creating awareness according to WebMD. What a perfect gift for someone this holiday. The flashcards, journal, life word t-shirts are all available here. Happy Shopping!
Until then, be well, have an abundant Thanksgiving and keep looking UP!
~Posted by Roslyn
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