The Right Place At The Right Time

Have you ever averted danger? Have you ever been so close to being in a car accident your heart took a minute to fall back into place? There are many ways in which we avert danger. For me, it starts with listening to the Holy Spirit. Being open and sensitive to when God is speaking to me. Our world is noisy. Would you agree ? I spend the mornings waking up before the sun rises to sit in silence. I pray, read, journal and then ask God to cover us with His amazing protection. After that I exercise. Exercise is my morning coffee. I get a bolt of energy. After my workout, I sit quiet again but this time I meditate . I turn my focus inward to see what my body needs to fully start the day. At my age, my body often needs ice on a sore muscle. 😁 I sit silent because I want to drown out the noise of distraction in my life. I want to protect my peace. Living as a human in 2022, we need a level of focus and intentionality. There is an over saturation of information and sounds throughout the...