Reflecting On 27 Years

October is a special month for many reasons. Normally, during this time of the year in Florida, temperatures are cooler and humidity drops. That makes for a pleasant change after a brutally hot Summer. 

It is also my wedding anniversary. This year we celebrate 27 years of marriage. Time goes quickly. I married at a young age with many people thinking we were too young to be married. By God's grace, 27 years later we are still here.

27 Years Later 🥳

I think it is important to pause and reflect with gratitude. Not just for big moments like a wedding anniversary but also daily celebrations. Special moments come and go all the time. Just for context, I consider waking up a special moment. I love celebrating a new day with a strong cup of coffee and hearty breakfast 😁 (breakfast is my favorite meal).

Why do we let special moments slip away? 

Why do we forget to celebrate the small wins in life? 

Why are we distracted with so many priorities?

Why do we focus on bad moments more than celebratory moments?

I've learned, do not take any moment for granted. I've lost loved ones that died far too soon. I don't want to miss out on celebrating any special moments in my life. 

How do I celebrate? 

It all depends on the day but here are some of my top choices:

  1. Ice Cream (#1 way to celebrate)
  2. A Nap (20 minutes of shut eye centers me)
  3. Exercise (what a JOY to move this body)
  4. A Special Toast 😜 (cheers)
  5. Dancing (more exercise)
  6. Journaling (finding a quiet moment to write is priceless)
  7. Buying A Book (I am a book lover)
  8. Trip To The Beach (happy place)
  9. Buying A New Plant (I talk to my plants & somehow believe they listen) 🤦🏾‍♀️
  10. Connect With A Friend (girls night)

What about you? 

What are some ways that you celebrate small and big wins in your life? 

One celebration can turn into a new family tradition. Our world needs more joy. Our children are watching. I hope in some way this week you are inspired to celebrate. {Posted By Roslyn}


  1. I’m trying to find ways to celebrate and hold on to life each day. This is good - thank you!


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